Meetings & Events

12 Nov 2024;
10:00AM - 12:00PM
AEGC Board Meeting

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Avondale Estates City Plantings – Projects Committee, Kathy Hatfield — Our Club participates in funding and installing plantings to promote civic pride and to beautify and enhance our City. We have adopted the City’s West and East Entrances and the Clock Tower as our ongoing project where we have installed new landscaping. This will be maintained by Club members. AEGC continuing project.

BluestarMaryLouDSC 0374 copyBlue Star Marker Planting — Projects Committee, Kathy Hatfield -- We first installed a small red, white and blue themed garden around our Blue Star Marker in front of our City Hall in 2017 and have maintained it by planting annuals in spring and fall, bringing attention to the marker and to those it honors. AEGC continuing project.

Books for Veterans – Projects Committee, Peg Wyse — Club members donate their gently read books and current magazines to the patients at the VA Medical Center in Decatur. AEGC continuing project

Children’s Little Free Library – Projects Committee, Lynn Boyd — We built and maintain the well-used Little Library for elementary school aged children and located it near the neighborhood park. We keep it supplied with books donated by members, and purchased with club funds. AEGC continuing project

Fig Leaf Project – Projects Committee, Peg wyse – Using Club funds AEGC purchases and contributes toiletries and personal clothing items for residents of Georgia Regional Hospital. Garden Club of Georgia continuing project

Garden Week in Georgia – President, Patricia Calcagno — The Club holds its annual plant sale to commemorate Garden Week in Georgia. We also place a banner, which was purchased by the Club, on the main road going through the commercial area of our City announcing the event. During the City Board of Mayor and Commissioners meeting, the Mayor reads a proclamation declaring Garden Week in Georgia. Garden Club of Georgia continuing project.

Holidays for Heroes – Projects Committee, Peg Wyse – Club members prepare holiday greeting cards for active military personnel overseas. DeKalb Federation continuing project.

Memorial Day Remembrance – President, Patricia Calcagno— Using Club funds, AEGC in conjunction with Avon Garden Club places a wreath at the Blue Star Marker in front of City Hall and conducts a ceremony honoring veterans. Our mayor and local veterans participate in this event. AEGC continuing project.

National Garden Week – President, Patricia Calcagno— During National Garden Week the Club holds a biennial Secret Garden Tour. We also place a banner, which was purchased by the Club, on the main road going through the commercial area of our City announcing the event. During the City Board of Mayor and Commissioners meeting, the Mayor reads a proclamation declaring National Garden Week. National Garden Club continuing project.

Recycle and Reuse Projects — Projects Committee, Kathy Hatfield - We schedule several “recycling rodeos to CHaRM (the Center of Hard to Recycle Material) throughout the year and encourage our members to use reusable shopping bags and when they receive plastic bags to recycle or reuse them. AEGC Continuing Project.

Pull and Save a Tab Project – Projects Committee, Melitta Brandt - The Club collects and donates aluminum tabs to the Ronald McDonald Houses. The sale of tabs helps defray expenses at the houses. DeKalb Federation, GCG, and NGC continuing project.

Secret Gardens of Avondale — Secret Garden Committee, Susan Stewart — The Club holds a tour of selected backyard gardens with docents in each garden during the first week in June of even numbered years. The tour encourages people to visit the community, become inspired and learn about creative landscaping and plants that do well in our area. Club funds as well as business and resident sponsors cover the cost of tickets, publicity, etc. AEGC continuing project.

Totem Tenders -
Projects Committee, Deb Timberlake, Linda Corbett, and Anne Kerner – Club members visit the Avondale Elementary School’s beautiful Totem Garden at least twice monthly to provide maintenance, thus ensuring that this garden, the work of our Club, our sister Club, and the community, will continue to flourish. AEGC continuing project.

Bonnie Phelps Memorial Tree Walk – Tree Walk Committee, — Carolyn Adams— Avondale Estates was the second city in Georgia to be named a Tree City. To encourage appreciation of our trees, and to educate the public, we host a Tree Walk in the fall of odd numbered years. Certified arborists lead groups of walkers on six different routes while lecturing and discussing the trees. We produce an extensive tree guide for each walker as reference material. We have a “Tree Huggers in Training” component for children as well, with specific educational materials, talks, and a contest just for them. In addition to arborists, we have Master Gardeners available for question and answer sessions. AEGC continuing project

Valentines for Veterans — Community Service, Peg Wyse — Club members prepare Valentines to be collected and delivered to patients at the VA Medical Center in Decatur. DeKalb Federation continuing project

Youth Gardening –
Projects Committee, Karen Liebert – Club members support Avondale Elementary School’s Student Garden Club by providing materials and helping to increase their understanding of the importance of native plants and pollinators. AEGC continuing project.