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Field trip to The Gardens at The Atlanta History Center and Other Attractions

This year’s AEGC field trip will be a follow-up to Staci Catron’s presentation of the gardens in her book, Seeking Eden With the guidance of one of the Atlanta History Center’s staff horticulturists, we will tour the Goizueta Gardens including: the historic Quarry Garden, the newly installed Olguita’s Garden, the Smith Family Farm, and the Swan House Gardens.

Our tour ticket includes seeing all the other exhibitions and the newly installed Cyclorama with its audio presentation at 12:00 p.m.

This year, AEGC members will be responsible for paying for their lunch because of the cost of the tour ticket.
Carpoolers may take advantage of the many luncheon options in the area or stay on The Atlanta History Center’s campus for a delicious luncheon at Souper Jenny.

Location Atlanta History Center